Tickenham Church of England Primary School

Tickenham Church of England Primary School

Breakfast and After-School Club

Breakfast Club and After-School Club are open to all children at Tickenham Church of England Primary School, from Reception to Year 6 and are run by Future Stars Coaching. They are available Monday to Friday, 07:40am to 08:40am (Breakfast Club) and 3.15-5.30pm (After-School Club) term-time only.  There are discounts available for siblings.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club 7.40-8.45 - £6 incl vat

At breakfast we offer a variety of cereals, toast and special treats of pancakes!! The children can have access to all the table games, arts and craft resources as well as fun team games to get them going in the morning. We love getting active in the morning, providing the children with key exercise time as well mentally preparing them for the day ahead, through parachute games and multi-sport activities. We also understand that some children like to have some peace and quiet in the mornings to chat with their friends and relax before the day ahead of them.

After-School Club

Wrap Around Club – 3.15-5.30 - £9.60 incl vat

Half session – 3.15-4.15pm - £6 incl vat

Wrap Around Care is all about providing a fun, safe environment for the children to unwind at the end of the day and enjoy themselves with their friends engaging in some of their favourite games.  Please see the poster below with details of what happens each day after school.

The children are provided with a healthy snack of ham, cheese, wraps or crackers and a selection of fruit! Sometimes they will even cook their own pizzas to enjoy!

To book online please see our website www.futurestarscoaching.co.uk or contact us in the office on 01275 867128 or info@futurestarscoaching.co.uk