Curriculum Intent Statement
Curriculum Implementation
We have established the “Tickenham Way” with children which encourages respect for everyone and everything. We pride ourselves on promoting excellent manners and positive learning behaviours.
Our ‘Discovery’ curriculum is organised into topics and children are given the opportunity to input into the learning journey and follow their own interests. Our topics are planned over four classes:
Willow |
Oak |
Cedar |
Acacia |
EYFS and Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Years 3 and 4 |
Years 5 and 6 |
Each class plans three large topics a year.
Each topic:
- Is driven by big ideas/concepts/real life experiences/children’s interests
- Incorporates high quality/engaging texts/books
- Is underpinned by our Christian Values
- Has a hook/Wow day
- Has a presentation/celebration of learning/legacy
- Makes connections across learning where possible
Information about each new topic is sent home at the beginning of term. Please see year group pages on our website for more information.
We plan lessons that encourage children to take responsibility and risks in their learning. We use a variety of teaching strategies/approaches and resources to help children experience enjoyment and success in learning. The class teams ensure that they know their children well and feedback to both the children and parents on what is going well and next steps for learning.
We provide support and opportunities for healthy choices through our unique outdoor learning environment and our Discovery curriculum.
As well as working individually, children will often work in pairs or small groups to complete challenges, developing their subject knowledge and key skills, for example their problem solving and reasoning skills.
Children are encouraged to go beyond their comfort zones in lessons through our Chilli Pepper Challenges.
We celebrate all types of achievements so that everybody experiences the fulfilment of personal and shared success.
Our teaching pedagogy is based on seven characteristics of expert teaching:
CARE: Expert teachers create the optimal classroom climate
CONTROL: Expert teachers have very high regard for their pupils
CLARITY: Expert teachers identify the most important ways in which to represent what is being taught when they plan
CHALLENGE: Expert teachers believe all pupils can reach success criteria
CAPTIVATE: Expert teachers enact their passion for learning
CONFER: Expert teachers’ classes have high levels of pupil questioning
CONSOLIDATE: Expert teachers are expert seekers and users of feedback
Through the use of ‘Learning Gems’ we enable children to grasp key attitudes and attributes that help us achieve our aspiration for all children to have a growth mindset which will impact on learning for life.
We nurture children’s spiritual development through everything we do. Our Christian Values are embedded which creates a very strong ethos within our school, felt from the moment you enter.
We integrate village, church, school life and the wider community. We provide opportunities for children to learn about and care for others beyond our school community. Through our work as Global Citizens we will ensure an increased awareness and responsibility for our environment, appreciating and understanding local and global issues.
We ensure consistency across the school by agreeing the procedures/non-negotiables in key areas and revisiting these regularly e.g. staff meetings, new staff induction.
We have agreed procedures for the teaching of reading, phonics, handwriting, spelling and mathematics.
Discovery Curriculum
Please use the subject links on the left hand side of the page to find out more about our curriculum provision.
Termly Curriculum Overviews can be found on each class page.
You can also speak to your child's class teacher or contact the school office to arrange a tour and find out more about the curriculum we follow.