Tickenham Church of England Primary School

Tickenham Church of England Primary School

Christian Distinctiveness

At Tickenham, our distinct Christian ethos is at the heart of all we do; it shines through in everything we do and aspire to be. 

We reflect our Christian foundation through our 12 Christian values:

Our 12 Christian Values

Our Vision Statement:

Learning for today, inspiring for tomorrow

 Our Christian character is based upon the message in the book of Corinthians.

"Three things will last forever - faith, hope and love - and the greatest of these is love."

1 Corinthians 13   (New Living Translation) 


We believe that everything we do within our school and for our wider community comes from love. Love for others, love for ourselves, love for God and love for the world which God created and everything in it.  As a staff team, we love what we do!

Our inclusive, Christian character values the excellent relationships between the school, parents and the community in which each child is safe and treated as a valued individual. We encourage children to work together valuing themselves, their relationships, a growth mindset and a love of learning. 

We welcome people of all faiths and none, acknowledging and respectful that we all have inner faith and spirituality of some form. 


St Quiricus and St Julietta Tickenham:

We are very fortunate to be in walking distance of St Quiricus and St Julietta Church. We have very strong links with the church and love the opportunity to visit the church to give thanks and share prayers at different times throughout the year including Harvest, Remembrance Day, Christmas and Easter. 

Every second Sunday of the month is a family Service at 11:00 am. All families are very welcome.

Please click here to access the church website.


Worship and Daily Prayer:

Everyday we have collective worship in the form of an assembly or service. This is usually a time for the whole school to come together as one and grow spiritually through the experiences of prayer, stillness, song, stories and reflection. Every week at least one service is led by Rev Nicki and the Headteacher. The teaching staff also take turns leading service. We end each week with a celebration service where we celebrate our wonderful pupils and their achievements.

We always open our service with the words, May God's love be with you and a shared response of And also with you. 

The children take turns to lead the lighting of 3 candles with the words:

God said, Let there be light.

Jesus said,  I am the light of the world.

The Holy Spirit, Is the light within us. 

Children are encouraged to share their own prayers in a variety of ways. We also say a lunchtime prayer before leaving the class to go to lunch and our school prayer before the end of each day.