Tickenham School Association (PTA Equivalent)
The Tickenham School Association is the parent teacher association for our school. Through a committee made up of a mix of parents/carers, school staff and governors we work hard throughout the academic year to raise money to benefit all children at the school.
As a registered charity* ALL of the profits generated are used to enrich and support the National Curriculum, whether it’s through educational trips, school resources or equipment, or the occasional treats, which really enhance our children’s time at this wonderful school.
You can now donate to the TSA online!!! Here is the link to donate or set up a direct debit:
An Annual General Meeting is held in Term 1 of each academic year. At this meeting the Officers and Trustees of the Committee are elected and the school provide a ‘wish-list’ that outlines the items, activities or resources they would like the money raised in the previous year to be spent on.
The committee then meet each term to plan events and discuss other fund-raising opportunities. Parents/carers are encouraged to attend meetings and offer help at each event.
We appreciate the continued support of our parents and school staff who give up their time to help make the events that we put on as successful as they are. Without this support we would not be able to donate the sums of money we do each year.
The TSA Officers/Trustees for the 2021/22 academic year are:
Co Chairs: Anna Stevenson and Sonia Sewell and Anna Stevenson
Treasurer: Rachel Clarke
Secretary: Penelope Merrick
Please feel free to approach any of us to understand more about the TSA. We are always looking for new ideas for fund-raising events and suggestions as to what the TSA funds could be spent on - which is then considered in consultation with the school staff.
tsa funded items in 2021 2022.pdf
tsa fundraising in 2021 2022.pdf
tsa newsletter 9th sep 2022 1 .pdf
TSA AGM Minutes of Meeting 15th October 2020
TSA AGM - Treasurer's Report 2019/20
TSA AGM - AGM Secretary's Report
- TSA AGM - Minutes of Meeting 18th September 2019
- TSA AGM - Treasurer's Report 2018/19
- TSA AGM - AGM Secretary's report
Wednesday 5th October |
7:30pm |
· School |